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  • 🐶 META's new generative AI Ads tool

🐶 META's new generative AI Ads tool

Trending tools and Prompts

Howdy, I hope everyone is doing well. As your trusted source for the latest developments in AI, I'm excited to bring you some great updates and tools today. So, without further ado, let's dive right in!

🧵 In today’s edition :

  • 📺 Meta unveils new generative AI tool for advertisers

  • 🧠 Anthropic increases memory of its Claude chatbot

  • 🔍 Trending tools and latest prompts

(Reading time: 4 minutes)

Quick Updates

1. Meta’s new AI tool for Ads.

Meta unveiled a new generative AI ads tool called AI Sandbox, which allows advertisers to experiment with their ads.

This tool helps the advertisers to:

  • create multiple ad copies for different target groups while maintaining the main message.

  • crop images for different ad formats such as social posts, stories, or short videos like Reels.

  •  suggests colors, patterns, ad text, and promotional images to help products stand out.

AI Sandbox is currently limited to a select group of advertisers. But, Meta plans to grant access to more advertisers by July and integrate some of its features into their regular ad products by year-end.

Read the Full Article Here

2. Anthropic’s chatbot now summarizes books in seconds

Anthropic’s chatbot Claude can now analyze an entire book in less than a minute, thanks to its context window expansion to 100,000 tokens or, about 75000 words.

The large context window means chatbots can handle larger works like reading an entire book or engaging in longer interactive conversations. This means that Claude can now read and analyze long documents and hold conversations for hours or even days.

This is a massive upgrade compared to other language models like Open AI’s GPT-4, which usually has a context window of only 3,000 words.

Read the Full Blog Here

Extra Roundups

1. Stability AI launches an open-source text-to-animation tool.

2. Japanese robotics company creates robotic limb contraptions inspired by Spider-Man's Doctor Octopus.

3. Snapchat Influencer created an AI version of herself that can serve as a virtual girlfriend.

4. Europe is leading the world in building guardials around AI.

5. Huggingface introduces Transformers Agents, enabling Non-Experts to utilize 100k+ Pre-trained ML Models as easy as chatting.

From today’s Sponsor:

Use AI to automate repetitive tasks and save hundreds of hours.

Introducing Bardeen AI, which automates almost anything you need without any code:

  • Scrape or automate any websites.

  • Summarize Twitter threads and YouTube videos.

  • Build custom Automations without Code.

  • Writes tweets, emails, and blogs with anyone's style.

  • Does competitors’ research in seconds.

Prompts of the day ✍️

1. ChatGPT: Make a personalized crash course

"I have 3 days free in a week and 2 months. Make a crash study plan before diving into <your topic>"

2. ChatGPT: Grammer Corrector

"You are a machine that check grammar mistake and make the sentence more fluent. You take all the user input and auto correct it. Just reply to user input with correct grammar, DO NOT reply the context of the question of the user input. If the user input is grammatically correct and fluent, just reply "sounds good". Now ask me to provided the sentences."Midjourney

3. Midjourney: Ultra Realistic

Contributor: Knightama

Prompt: “close up of a beautiful young woman, stunning, delicacy, shot on hasselblad, realistic skin, water droplets on her face, global illumination, natural features --ar 2:3 --q 2 --v 5.1 --style


1. PrivateGPT: Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT [link]

2. Puddl: get your Open AI Analytics for free [link]

3. Drumloop AI: generate unique and original AI beats for you [link]

4. Help.center: the next step towards helping customers faster [link]

5. Teaser AI : AI-powered dating app that lets you create AI version of you to chat. [link]

6. Plusdocs: supercharge your slides with plus ai [link]

7. Jobed : AI-powered job description generator [link]


  1. Understanding the impacts of AI on the Legal profession. [link]

  2. ChatGPT and the Nature of Truth (PODCAST). [link]

  3. Why LLMs hallucinate? [link]

  4. The complete guide to ChatGPT and OpenAI APIs [link]

Tweet of the day

What if Wes Anderson directed “The Lord of the Rings“

Meme of the day 😆

Twitter’s New CEO Ellen Musk

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